Employment Type : Full-Time
Your new company Your new company is proud to be a smaller niche independent established Lloyd's Broker based in the heart of the City and with offices across the world. They have offices in over 12 countries and over 100 staff worldwide, specialising in unique insurance solutions. The business has expanded, and they deal with specialist classes to include Property, Marine, Fine Art and Specie, Construction, Aviation, Energy, Real Estate, Profes...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Your new company Your new company is proud to be a smaller niche independent established Lloyd's Broker based in the heart of the City and with offices across the world. They have offices in 12 countries and over 100 staff worldwide, specialising in unique insurance solutions. The business has expanded, and they deal with specialist classes to include Marine, Fine Art and Specie, Construction, Aviation, Energy, Real Estate, Professional Indemnit...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Your new company Your new job working as a Senior Broker Support Technician / will be working at an independent Lloyd's insurance and reinsurance broker specialising in providing bespoke solutions to support their clients' growth and success. With Offices overseas and the UK, your new brokers are growing from strength to strength and pride themselves on providing a wide range of specialist insurance solutions provided to businesses, insurance br...
Employment Type : Full-Time
Become the lead / head Binder Technician at this perfect sized Insurance Lloyd's Broker in London Quite the statement, but it's true An already well-established Marine and Specialty Insurance Broker with an excellent reputation, steeped in history which will provide you with strong job security. And a firm who have received significant investment from it's parent company and are looking to grow extensively over the next few years, meaning you'll...